About Us

Credevaluate Global Llp.

Your Trusted International Credential Evaluation Partner

Credevaluate Global LLP (LLP identification number: AAS-5725) is an international credential evaluation services company governed as a registered LLP entity with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt of India.

Credevaluate is a professional and proficient organization that elevates the global admission and employment standards to a higher level. We started as an ethical contributor for accurate and thorough international academic evaluations and now are proud partners with the leading universities of Australia. Many more are on the way to be added to our shelves.

With the swing of complexities in assessments, we have aligned our best foot forward with 15+ years of an experienced team of professionals working their way out to assess the credentials of students from South Asian region, for smooth and screened university admissions that improves conversions, and student retention.

We are the perfect partners for every international university to help assess students’ credentials, across South Asian regions to ensure their genuity.

Our AI-based platform with enhanced IT security assures our users of data security and privacy of their credentials.